
Gym Fee Options

Yearly Membership: $490.00

Three Month Membership: $140.00

One Month Membership: $50.00

Ten Visit Pass (good for one year): $80.00

Five Visit Pass (good for one year):$45.00

Day Pass: $15

Class Drop-in: $15 Drop-ins Welcome!

All above fees include sales tax.

Gift certificates are available.

We are affordable for everyone on Lopez Island: We can offer monthly memberships on a sliding scale with the help of a grant. Just come on in and talk to our friendly staff.

Individual Class Fees are additional and are listed on the classes page.

You can download a Membership Form here – you’ll need to bring it to the gym to complete the membership process.

Members must be at least 12 years old to join. Members 12-15 years of age must have parent/guardian on site when using gym and must use a written program approved by staff.

Insurance Programs

SILVER SNEAKER MEMBERS are welcome and should bring their member card to swipe at each visit.

SILVER & FIT, FITON HEALTH and RENEW ACTIVE participants are also welcome. Please inquire at the front desk about registering.

As a non-profit corporation, we are dedicated to making the gym affordable to all who wish to use it, which is why we have chosen to partner with these programs. The reduction in income does affect our bottom line – so donations are always welcome for those of you who are inclined to do so.